Rob’s Corner

If nothing changes for you this year, what’s the consequences?  


Would you be OK? Would you be disappointed? What do you reckon? 


For me, I’d be disappointed.  


I want to be fitter, have more energy, travel more, play better golf and spend more time with 6 grandkids who before you can blink an eye, will be scattered all over the place. 


It is also a good question for every new prospect as well, once you’ve heard their pressing issues as it can provide a quick insight into what they deeply value……….. “If nothing changes for you this year, what is the consequence?”  


Think about it because the answer also has a Dark Side. 


I used to think that necessary changes should all come in the form of external support – resources to make the changes necessary to get the results I want in 2025.  


Projects I’ve been waiting to start could start – i.e. AI-driven reviews, new Adviser Manual, closer Compliance and Technology support…. Along with more time for myself, Michelle and Grandkids. 


Don’t get me wrong here. We need more support in Templestone and it will come in 2025 – assistance to Chandar as well as a Technology resource. However, I came to realize the biggest change needed is internal – i.e. me. 


I’ve been too black and white and too focused in palming off important duties and that before I had a right to do this, I had to make the biggest change of all – my attitude – and to go back in and roll my sleeves up and do the tough stuff.  


What about you?  


I go back to my opening question ……. “If nothing changes for you this year, what is the consequences?” 


I think we first have to address our own attitudes and behaviors, and be brave enough to make some changes. I don’t think you need these to be massive. Just pick up on one or two behaviors or attitudes that you know you need to change and commit!  


These are the very best of times to build great advice firms, and the rewards and personal satisfaction is there for the taking. But there are no shortcuts. 


2025 is going to be great, provided we have the courage to embrace the changes needed in us first.  


What do you reckon?   


Rob McCann


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